We hear a lot about inflammation, and it is sometimes difficult to work out what is enough and when it is too much. The simple answer is to assess your level of pain. If you have pain, you are inflamed.
Inflammation is one of the ways the body minimises injury or infection. As such, it is a vital defence mechanism of the body. The problems begin when acute inflammation becomes chronic, because this can contribute to numerous chronic inflammatory conditions and diseases. Chronic diseases associated with inflammation include Diabetes, Cancer, Bowel disease, Cardiovascular disease and Arthritis.
Inflammation can be caused by infectious factors (pathogens such as viruses or bacteria) or non-infections factors (such as toxins, injury or radiation). Signs of inflammation include swelling, heat, incapacity, pain, redness or loss of function.
It is common practice to suppress the inflammatory response by using drugs such as cortisone. While drugs may work well for acute conditions, and may be lifesaving at times too, it is important to investigate the underlying cause of inflammation in order to eradicate it and the chronic diseases it gives rise to.
A Significant, Unseen Cause of Inflammation: Toxins
Extensive toxicology research has led me to look for the smoking gun, when investigating cause of disease in clients (see an attached example lab report). Time and again, I see evidence of toxins lodged on genes (by means of strong co-valent bonds), as well as on the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. This is alarmingly important, because genes and cell organelles like the mitochondria are not supposed to have anything piggy-backing them, let alone a toxin!
Toxic Genes
If a gene has a toxin passenger, such as mercury, lead or nickel for example (typical dental amalgam toxins), its core function as a specific protein-making gene is compromised. Simply put, that means that whatever that gene is supposed to be doing, it is not doing to its full capacity. The gene is dysfunctional.
The consequence of a dysfunctional gene is dysfunction or malfunction in the organ or system of the body it is responsible for. This is essentially a coding mistake. When a person is born with a damaged gene it is referred to as a mutation. When this damage happens after birth, it is called an epigenetic factor. Fortunately, it is possible to remove those toxins that are free-loading on our genes!
Toxic Mitochondria
As the all-important fuel cells of the body, the mitochondria are vitally important in maintaining our bodies. If mitochondrial function is compromised, the vital cellular energy is compromised. It has been said that all disease originates as a mitochondrial problem. This makes sense when we note that if we have sufficient energy in our cells to keep all cellular functions running smoothly, we have healthy cells and thus healthy organs. When that cellular energy is compromised, by toxins or disease, it means the organs will be compromised. The organ that shows up as being under the most stress (and sick or dysfunctioning) will be linked to your family genetic weaknesses (cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, diabetic etc, for example).
Where do Toxins come From?
Everywhere, literally (see the list below).
I Eat Well and Have a Clean Lifestyle so Would I be Toxic?
Adding to the unavoidable fact that we are all exposed to environmental toxins daily, is the fact that we all have varying genetic abilities to detoxify our cells (methylation) and flush those toxins out through our liver (phase 1 and phase 2 liver detoxification). These functions of our detoxification systems are what place us in the position to be able to naturally remove toxins from our bodies, if we are eating well and following a clean and healthy lifestyle. Each person is different, and each exposure profile is unique to each person too. That is why some people can smoke heavily and live to a ripe old age, whereas others develop cancer or lung disease. Detoxification ability is genetically geared, and is triggered by toxin exposure. The type of toxin, as well as the amount is important, but the effects differ person to person.
What Can I Do to Reduce Inflammation?
There are a few simple rules of thumb to follow:
- If you have pain, swelling or loss of function, or low energy you can safely assume you have inflammation.
- Deal with the immediate symptom, which is inflammation: take 2-4 sprays of RELIEF (hyperlink) and continue this until your inflammation has reduced.
- After 3-5 days, start taking REVITALISE 25 to energise your body to manage toxin removal better, and to help mop up toxins that are released into your gut.
- One week later, begin your 6-week Detox with 1 drop of CLEANSE daily.
- If your inflammation is of an infectious nature, it is important to manage this appropriately (medical care). Take RELIEF at the same time. Only begin a detoxification process when you are well again.
- Take a critical look at your diet and lifestyle and remove anything that may obviously cause inflammation:
- Alcohol
- Tobacco products, and vapes
- Processed foods
- Sugary cold drinks
- Sugar-free cold drinks with aspartame
- Preservatives
- Colourants
- Flavourants
- Sugar
- Specific foods you are intolerant to (most common are gluten, dairy and eggs)
- Household chemicals
- Personal care chemicals
- Dental amalgam fillings, crowns or implants (require careful removal), and other metal implants
- Airborne pollution (exhaust fumes, chimneys)
- Improve your intake of plant foods so that you eat 5-6 cups of plant food daily, across the phytonutrient spectrum (hyperlink to Phynutrient Spectrum Chart free download). This can significantly improve your health, because plants contain many of the nutrients our bodies need to boost detoxification processes in the cells and the liver.
- Note: you may need to add in a probiotic or digestive enzyme to help digest larger amounts of plant food, until your gut microbiome gets used to the changed input (hyperlink to PROBIOTIC).
- Drink sufficient water daily, and increase your intake to help flush toxins.
- Note: ensure this is purified water, and if it is reverse osmosis (RO) water add in the vital minerals that have been removed (hyperlink to WATER MINERALS)
- Do daily, moderate exercise. Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have a longer life expectancy and fewer diseases. Exercise has a positive impact on mitochondrial health (the fuel cell of the body).
Case Study: Woman, 57
Exposure Event: An old metal crown was drilled without use of a rubber dam or strong suction, leading to a large quantity of fine metal being ingested.
Blood Tests: DNA Adducts (see below), Mitochondrial Studies and Hormones.
Symptoms: Within 24 hours a racing heart, anxiety, sore stomach and joint pain. Developed overall body pain, and more joint pain over the coming weeks. Pain is noticeably exacerbated by sugar and gluten (glycation issues, linked to metabolism and the mitochondria).
Supplements: Increased methylation supplements (with folate), and phase 2 liver detoxification supplements (Glutathione and MSM), take an antioxidant complex (with Curcumin) and glucuronidation support supplement (calcium-d-glucarate) to flush xenoestrogens (from dental cement), as the estrogen level had skyrocketed (blood test).
Lab Test Results: DNA ADDUCTS (toxins covalently bonded to genes)
Note: toxins found on the mitochondrial membranes are typically the same as those found on the genes.

- The heavy metal toxin (Lead) on the GABRR1 (GABA) gene (affecting the glutamate-GABA-glutamine pathway, supported by Vitamin B6) may explain this person’s sudden increase in feelings of anxiety and overall body inflammation and pain, post-exposure, because GABA is a principle inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS, opposing the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, and it also modulates inflammation!
- The chemical toxin (Triclosan) affecting the antioxidant gene SOD1 gene may explain why oxidative stress exacerbated pain.
- The chemical toxin (CTABr) affecting the MMP9 gene and a resultant increase in acetylcholine in the synaptic gap, may explain the increase in cramps.
Likely Sources of Toxins:
- Lead (drilling into an old dental metal crown, food grown in toxic soil)
- Triclosan (sanitisers, shampoos)
- CTABr (personal care products, fabric softener, hair conditioner)
Suggested Additional Support: (hyperlink each one)
- RELIEF to manage inflammation and pain.
- CLEANSE to remove toxins.
- SLEEP to reduce anxiety and promote restful sleep.
- REVITALISE 25 and then 100 for energy.
- Increase daily organic plant food intake.
- Replace all personal care and household chemicals with non-toxic products.
- Safely remove old dental metal crowns (biological dentist).
Results – Patient Reports:
- Inflammation has improved and is manageable. I use RELIEF every day, twice a day.
- The detoxification process was obvious in the beginning. I was impatient and took more than the recommended dose of CLEANSE initially. Therefore, when I started to detox, I had headaches. So I gave CLEANSE a break for a few days. When I reduced my dose to 1 drop daily, it was hardly noticeable. I liked the fact that I could feel something happening though. I am now able to take 2 drops of CLEANSE and it makes me feel good. I feel better when I take it every day.
- I sleep like a baby! The first time I took SLEEP I thought it was a coincidence that I had such a good sleep, but now I like it so much I use it every day.
- I have good energy from the REVITALISE 25 (I worked my way up to REVITALISE 100) and my stomach feels more comfortable than before somehow.
- I have replaced all the toxic chemicals in my house, but I must admit I do miss the old shampoo and conditioner a bit.
- I am in the process of removing all my old metal crowns and I suspect that the last of my pain will disappear when I do this.
- I eat more veggies and have two fruits daily. I avoid sugar and gluten. I don’t drink alcohol, smoke or eat many processed foods.
Research article
Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in organs https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5805548/