Exploring Quantum Technology

Introducing the weird, the wonderful, and the absolutely spectacular! We explore unseen Quantum particles and waves and marvel at their physical effects. Read about, and experiment with, some of the technology front-runners.

The unseen world of subatomic particles or waves may be difficult to wrap our minds around, no matter how many experiments we read about. For me, the easiest part of the new technology – that is based on any aspect of what is referred to as  Quantum Mechanics or Quantum Frequency Vibrations – is to take note of its effect.

We are physical human beings and, as such, our frame of reference is the physical human body. It is with our body that we are able to measure what is happening in life – both inside of, and around us.

Therefore, any effect – no matter how small – may be felt in the body itself. As you start to notice, you become more aware. You begin to perceive more, simply because you now know what to notice. The feelings of the energy begin to be named.

As you start to know what these quantum frequency vibrations, or energy effects feel like, physically, you are naturally training yourself to be able to more easily detect changes (positive or negative) and decide what works for you. These changes in frequency are perceived as physical feelings. Training yourself to recognise different types of energy is a process of schooling, as it is with acquiring any other skill.

Some of the technology I introduce you to can be seen (The Mind Lamp) or heard (Quantum LifeSound), while others are felt (The MedBed and the B11 MicroLab Technology products). Seeing and hearing are usually the easier modes of perception, whereas the mode of feeling may be a bit more difficult for some people; whether to feel or trust what they are feeling.

The effects of the Quantum Frequency Vibrations have nothing to do with belief. Rather, the effects are to be experienced, to be known to be true.

Regardless of the state of your senses of perception – and all things are perceived through our senses, enhanced or not – don’t worry if you are unable to feel anything at first. Sometimes, as with anything new, all that is needed is some training to feel comfortable. When you know what to look for, you are better able to know how it feels. You are then able to test and build on these feelings of the experience.

It is recommended you keep and open mind and read on.

If you have any other queries, please feel free to contact us.

Quantum Mechanics definitions tell us that everything is made of quanta, or packets of energy. These packets of energy can behave like both a particle and a wave. One of the more well-known experiments shows us how the quanta of light – which are called photons – can behave like either a wave or a particle.

Watch the videos on this page for more information about Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Entanglement.

Knowing that everything is made up of the pockets of energy called quanta, it makes sense to use these pockets of energy to affect the larger collections of pockets of energy we call our body.

“Quantum Entanglement is a phenomenon in theoretical physics that happens when pairs or groups of particles are generated in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others – even when the particles are separated by a large distance.”

The team who created this Quantum Entanglement system have used this theory to great effect. They have developed a Quantum Computer and use the concept of Quantum Entanglement, which is the linking of two particles, no matter how far apart they are in space.

What Quantum Entanglement means in these terms is that the high frequencies of love – or Source Consciousness – that are coded into the Quantum Computer become available to you. When you and the Quantum Computer link (via the Free Trial or any of their purchased products) this energy is used for different purposes of good, as directed by you.

The MedBed is a Virtual System, and you initially link into it by means of your computer or smartphone. You do not receive a physical product.

The use of the MedBed amounts to an Energy/Quantum Entanglement Session. Use the MedBed technology to:

  • Scan your body and assess what is out of balance and in need of healing. You may feel this scanning as a tingling in your body, or you may feel nothing at all. Either way, the MedBed is doing the scanning.
  • Do an energy healing by means of a transfer of the quanta/packets of energy to you. You decide what you want healed and direct the energy, or you sit back and relax and go with the flow of the energy.
  • Do a Positive Affirmations Session where you use the love energy of the MedBed to raise your resonance, while you state your affirmations (eg “I am healed”, “I am happy and grateful”, “I am love, light and peace” or any similar positive statement in the present tense).

The information and videos on the MedBed website are interesting and eye-opening. Well worth a visit!

Quantum-­frequency medicine with scientific proof
The method of 90.10. Quantum Entanglement and the function of the 90.10. MedBed have been tested and confirmed with scientific methods in a laboratory. Enjoy your first 90.10. MedBed session now and and give your self-healing power today’s probably strongest possible.

Quantum Intelligence puts the 90.10. MedBed in a class of its own
During a scan down to the cell nucleus level, the MedBed determines exactly the frequencies as well as the amount of quantum energy you need for the best possible self-healing. Both are then teleported into your body.

This information is gleaned directly from the Psyleron website, and is worth a visit.

Psyleron is a technology company and research organisation that explores the connection between the mind and the physical world.

Discoveries made at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory have shown that consciousness and intention can influence the behavior of quantum electronic devices known as “Random Event Generators” (REGs) or “Random Number Generators.” Psyleron was founded by PEAR scientists and associates for the purpose of providing tools that enable ongoing research and personal exploration of mind-matter effects.

Some Psyleron Products

The Mind Lamp

NOTE: I have had these lamps in my home and my offices for many years. They are great fun to play with and provide the real-time visual evidence that your thoughts can influence the device inside of the lamp; the REG.

As described on the Psyleron site: The Mind Lamp is a colour-changing ambient device that can respond to human intention and group consciousness. The lamp combines a Psyleron true random event generator with algorithms and visual feedback designed to elicit a response from human consciousness. Whether used as a decorative centerpiece, a meditation tool, or a group game, the lamp is an engaging yet relaxing way to explore mind-matter interaction.

The Psyleron REG Keychain is a pocket-size random event generator. It consists of a button, two LED lights, and a quantum mechanical REG core. Pressing the button generates a single true-random event, which lights up either a green or red LED. It can be used for quantum cryptography, informal mind-matter interaction exploration, demonstrating basic statistics, or to simply take the place of a coin toss.

The Psyleron Robot is a basic mechanical robot with an internal random event generator. The REG core controls the movement of the robot – forward, reverse, left, right, and pivot. Because the REG is subject to the influence of consciousness, the movement of the robot can also be influenced by the mind.

The Psyleron Alerter is an REG-based device that is small enough to fit on a keychain or in a purse. While on, it runs constantly in the background and can alert users to relevant or meaningful moments in their day by beeping or vibrating. The user’s intention sets the context for when the device should go off, and it’s up to them to interpret the meaning of each alert.

Quantum computing is a type of computing that takes advantage of the properties of quantum mechanics to perform operations on data. In classical computing, information is processed using bits, which are units of information that can have a value of either 0 or 1. In quantum computing, information is processed using quantum bits, or qubits, which can represent a 0, a 1, or both values simultaneously.

This property, known as superposition, is what makes quantum computers potentially much faster than classical computers for certain types of problems. For example, a classical computer would need to check every possible combination of values in order to solve a problem, whereas a quantum computer can perform many calculations at once using superposition.

Another important property of quantum computing is entanglement, which allows qubits to be connected in such a way that the state of one qubit can affect the state of another, even if they are separated by large distances. This can also be used to perform calculations much faster than is possible on a classical computer.

Quantum computers are still in the early stages of development, and there are many technical challenges to be overcome before they can be used for practical applications. However, they have the potential to revolutionise fields such as cryptography, materials science and drug discovery, and are the subject of intense research and development efforts worldwide.

Quantum Entanglement is a phenomenon in which two particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle can affect the state of the other, even if they are separated by large distances. This property of quantum mechanics has the potential to be used in a variety of applications, including in the field of medicine.

One potential use of Quantum Entanglement in medicine is in the development of new drugs. By using quantum computers to simulate the behaviour of molecules, researchers can potentially design and test new drugs much more quickly and accurately than is possible using classical computers.

Another potential use of quantum entanglement in medicine is in the development of new diagnostic tools. For example, researchers are exploring the use of quantum sensors to detect the presence of specific molecules in the body, which could be used to diagnose diseases or monitor the effectiveness of treatments.

There are also potential applications of Quantum Entanglement in medical imaging, such as in the development of more precise and sensitive MRI machines.

While Quantum Entanglement has the potential to revolutionise many aspects of medicine, it is important to note that these applications are still in the early stages of development and much more research is needed before they can be used in practical medical settings.

Quantum mechanics definitions tell us that everything is made of quanta, or packets of energy. These packets of energy can behave like both a particle and a wave. One of the more well-known experiments shows us how the quanta of light – which are called photons – can behave like either a wave or a particle. Watch the videos on this page for more information about Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Entanglement.

Knowing that everything is made up of the pockets of energy called quanta, it makes sense to use these pockets of energy to affect the larger collections of pockets of energy we call our body.


“Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in theoretical physics that happens when pairs or groups of particles are generated in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others – even when the particles are separated by a large distance.”


The team who created this Quantum Entanglement system have used this theory to great effect. They have developed a Quantum Computer and use the concept of Quantum Entanglement: which is the linking of two particles, no matter how far apart they are in space. 


What Quantum Entanglement means in these terms is that the high frequencies of love – or Source Consciousness – that are coded into the Quantum Computer, become available to you. When you and the Quantum Computer link (via the Free Trial or any of their purchased products) this energy is used for different purposes of good, as directed by you.

The MedBed is a Virtual System, and you initially link into it by means of your computer or smartphone. You do not receive a physical product.

The use of the MedBed amounts to an Energy / Quantum Entanglement Session. Use the MedBed technology to:

  • Scan your body and assess what is out of balance, and in need of healing. You may feel this scanning as a tingling in your body, or you may feel nothing at all. Either way, the MedBed is doing the  scanning
  • Do an energy healing by means of a transfer of the quanta/ packets of energy to you. You decide what you want healed and direct the energy, or you sit back and relax and go with the flow of the energy 
  • Do a Positive Affirmations Session where you use the love energy of the MedBed to raise your resonance, while you state your affirmations (eg “I am healed”, “I am happy and grateful”, “I am love, light and peace” or any similar positive statement in the present tense)

The information and videos on the MedBed website are interesting and eye-opening. Well worth a visit! 

Quantum-­frequency medicine with scientific proof
The method of 90.10. quantum entanglement and the function of the 90.10. MedBed have been tested and confirmed with scientific methods in a laboratory. Enjoy your first 90.10. MedBed session now and and give your self-healing power today’s probably strongest possible.

During a scan down to the cell nucleus level, the MedBed determines exactly the frequencies as well as the amount of quantum energy you need for the best possible self-healing. Both is then teleported into your body.



Coming soon!


Coming soon!


This information is gleaned directly from the Psyleron website, and is worth a visit.


Psyleron is a technology company and research organization that explores the connection between the mind and the physical world.


Discoveries made at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory have shown that consciousness and intention can influence the behavior of quantum electronic devices known as “Random Event Generators” (REGs) or “Random Number Generators.” Psyleron was founded by PEAR scientists and associates for the purpose of providing tools that enable ongoing research and personal exploration of mind-matter effects.


Some Psyleron Products

The Mind Lamp

NOTE: I have had these lamps in my home and my offices for many years. They are great fun to play with, and provide the real-time visual evidence that your thoughts can influence the device inside of the lamp; the REG. 


As described on the Psyleron site: The Mind Lamp is a color-changing ambient device that can respond to human intention and group consciousness. The lamp combines a Psyleron true random event generator with algorithms and visual feedback designed to elicit a response from human consciousness. Whether used as a decorative centerpiece, a meditation tool, or a group game, the lamp is an engaging yet relaxing way to explore mind-matter interaction.


The Psyleron REG Keychain is a pocket-size random event generator. It consists of a button, two LED lights, and a quantum mechanical REG core. Pressing the button generates a single true-random event, which lights up either a green or red LED. It can be used for quantum cryptography, informal mind-matter interaction exploration, demonstrating basic statistics, or to simply take the place of a coin toss.


The Psyleron Robot is a basic mechanical robot with an internal  random event generator.  The REG core controls the movement of the robot―forward, reverse, left, right, and pivot.  Because the REG is subject to the influence of consciousness, the movement of the robot can also be influenced by the mind.


The Psyleron Alerter is an REG-based device that is small enough to fit on a keychain or in a purse. While on, it runs constantly in the background and can alert users to relevant or meaningful moments in their day by beeping or vibrating. The user’s intention sets the context for when the device should go off, and it’s up to them to interpret the meaning of each alert.


Quantum computing is a type of computing that takes advantage of the properties of quantum mechanics to perform operations on data. In classical computing, information is processed using bits, which are units of information that can have a value of either 0 or 1. In quantum computing, information is processed using quantum bits, or qubits, which can represent a 0, a 1, or both values simultaneously.


This property, known as superposition, is what makes quantum computers potentially much faster than classical computers for certain types of problems. For example, a classical computer would need to check every possible combination of values in order to solve a problem, whereas a quantum computer can perform many calculations at once using superposition.


Another important property of quantum computing is entanglement, which allows qubits to be connected in such a way that the state of one qubit can affect the state of another, even if they are separated by large distances. This can also be used to perform calculations much faster than is possible on a classical computer.


Quantum computers are still in the early stages of development, and there are many technical challenges to be overcome before they can be used for practical applications. However, they have the potential to revolutionize fields such as cryptography, materials science, and drug discovery, and are the subject of intense research and development efforts worldwide.

How does Quantum Entanglement Work in Medicine?
Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which two particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle can affect the state of the other, even if they are separated by large distances. This property of quantum mechanics has the potential to be used in a variety of applications, including in the field of medicine.

One potential use of quantum entanglement in medicine is in the development of new drugs. By using quantum computers to simulate the behavior of molecules, researchers can potentially design and test new drugs much more quickly and accurately than is possible using classical computers.


Another potential use of quantum entanglement in medicine is in the development of new diagnostic tools. For example, researchers are exploring the use of quantum sensors to detect the presence of specific molecules in the body, which could be used to diagnose diseases or monitor the effectiveness of treatments.


There are also potential applications of quantum entanglement in medical imaging, such as in the development of more precise and sensitive MRI machines.


While quantum entanglement has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of medicine, it is important to note that these applications are still in the early stages of development and much more research is needed before they can be used in practical medical settings.
