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Bridget Hall

Icon FMCHC 96

Bridget started her business career developing solutions for industrial and mining applications when she identified the need for environmentally acceptable and safe chemical products in these markets. It was evident that the end user of most chemicals was typically unable to adequately assess the possible impact of chemicals on their own health as well as the environment, disempowered by a lack of sufficient knowledge and suitable alternatives. It was due to the needs of this market that Bridget embarked on her solutions-driven product development and manufacturing career. Identifying toxins and finding safer alternatives became a key task.

Years later, when her son was injured in a motorcycle accident at the age of 18, Bridget’s global search for solutions to spinal cord injury and quadriplegia led her to some of the most innovative scientists who had developed cutting-edge medical and biomedical technology. Her entry into the exciting world of stem cells, toxicology, genetics and quantum physics began.

This result is an in-depth understanding of how toxins may be implicated in the many and varied health challenges people face. Available solutions include advanced laboratory tests and an array of options, such as technologically enhanced natural products and supplements, that may be used to support the body to rebalance and heal itself. While each solution is as unique as the person, it is nevertheless true that some basic principles are common to all.

The result of Bridget’s experience, knowledge and expertise is evident in the product offerings on this website. They are carefully designed and chosen to support each person in their quest for health and wellness.


