Complete Methylation | 60 Vegetable Capsules – Revolutionary Formula


Temporarily out of stock. Expected back in by 7 Feb 2025. Complete Methylation is a unique, fully-loaded, complete formulation designed support for the cellular cleansing and detoxification processes known as cellular methylation; suitable for over-methylation and under-methylation, and typically affected by MTHFR SNPs (mutations). Optimal methylation is a necessary cellular process to maintain overall health and well-being!


A fully-loaded, complete formulation to support the cellular cleansing and detoxification processes known as cellular methylation; suitable for over-methylation and under-methylation.

What is Methylation?

Methylation is a vital biochemical process that affects nearly every aspect of human health, playing key roles in gene expression, DNA repair, detoxification, and the regulation of various metabolic functions. It involves transferring a methyl group (CH₃) to other molecules like DNA, proteins, and lipids, turning genes on or off as necessary. This regulatory function is crucial for proper cell division, immune function, cardiovascular health, and detoxification pathways.

Genetic Variations Affect Methylation

However, the efficiency of methylation can be influenced by genetic variations known as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). SNPs can affect key genes in the methylation pathway, such as MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase), COMT (catechol-O-methyltransferase), CBS (cystathionine beta-synthase), and MTR (methionine synthase). These genetic variations can disrupt how well the body processes nutrients like folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine, a critical amino acid that needs to be kept in check to avoid cardiovascular risk. For instance, an MTHFR mutation can lead to impaired conversion of folate into its active form, methylfolate, which is essential for the production of neurotransmitters, detoxification, and DNA synthesis.

People with SNPs in methylation-related genes may experience symptoms ranging from fatigue and cognitive issues to increased susceptibility to inflammation and cardiovascular disease. This is because inefficient methylation can lead to elevated homocysteine levels, which may contribute to the development of heart disease, stroke, and neurodegenerative conditions. Additionally, SNPs in genes like COMT can affect how well the body breaks down stress hormones and neurotransmitters, leading to mood swings or heightened anxiety.

Targeted Nutritional Support

Individuals with methylation-related SNPs often benefit from targeted nutritional support, including bioactive forms of B vitamins, such as methylcobalamin (B12) and methylfolate (B9), to bypass the enzymatic blocks caused by genetic variations. Lifestyle factors like diet, stress, exposure to toxins, and aging also play a role in methylation efficiency, making holistic support through detoxification and stress management crucial for optimizing this process. Understanding one’s genetic predispositions can help tailor personalized interventions to ensure healthy methylation and overall well-being.

Composition: Benfotiamine (B1) – 50mg, L-citrulline – 100mg, Manganese – 2mg, Methylcobalamin (B12) – 100iu, Methyltetrahydrofolate (B9 – Quatrafolic) – 200iu, Molybdenum – 10ug, N-acetyl L-cysteine – 50mg, Phospholipid Complex- 160mg, Pyridoxine (B6) – 5mg, Riboflavin 5-phosphate (B2) – 5mg, Trimethyl glycine – 125mg, Vitamin D3 – 100iu, Zinc – 2,5mg, B-11 Minerals (Montmorillonite extract) – 5mg. Other Ingredients: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

Gene Information: Known support for NOS, CBS, SUOX, SHMT, ACE, BHMT-2, COMT, MTHFR1298, MTHFR677, MTR, MTRR, PEMT, VDR and ensures cellular detoxification and waste removal.

Indications: Complete Methylation is a fully-loaded, complete formulation to support the cellular cleansing and detoxification processes known as cellular methylation; suitable for over-methylation and under-methylation. Contains nutrients to support cellular methylation. Before starting on these “upstream” detoxification processes, it is wise to support the “downstream” liver detoxification processes first (with Pure NAC and/or Bioactive Glutathione). This opens up the pathways and prevents toxin build-up and unnecessary detoxification effects. Start on the lowest dose of this product, and increase your daily dose when well tolerated.

More Info

Proprietary Name and Dosage Form:
Complete Methylation – 60 Vegetable Capsules

Scheduling Status:

Composition (Per Capsule):

  • Benfotiamine (B1): 50mg
  • L-citrulline: 100mg
  • Manganese: 2mg
  • Methylcobalamin (B12): 100iu
  • Methyltetrahydrofolate (Quatrefolic): 200iu
  • Molybdenum: 10ug
  • N-acetyl L-cysteine: 50mg
  • Phospholipid Complex: 160mg
  • Pyridoxine (B6): 5mg
  • Riboflavin 5-phosphate (B2): 5mg
  • Trimethyl glycine: 125mg
  • Vitamin D3: 100iu
  • Zinc: 2.5mg
  • B11 Minerals (Montmorillonite extract): 5mg
  • Other Ingredients: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (Vegetable Capsule)

Gene Information:

Known support for NOS, CBS, SUOX, SHMT, ACE, BHMT-2, COMT, MTHFR1298, MTHFR677, MTR, MTRR, PEMT, and VDR genes, promoting cellular detoxification and waste removal.

Pharmacological Classification:

Complementary or alternative medicine.


  • Not tested for suitability for pregnant or lactating women.
  • Use with caution under medical supervision if taking prescription medication, Warfarin, or anticoagulants.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Do not take if sensitive to any of the ingredients.


  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Consult your healthcare professional if symptoms persist.

Dosage and Directions for Use:

Adults and children over 12 years of age: Take 1-4 capsules daily (start 3-7 days after daily LipoActive Glutathione and/or Pure NAC to support downstream pathways), or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

Side Effects and Special Precautions:

  • Do not take this product if allergic to any ingredients.
  • Side effects may include typical detoxification symptoms such as stomach upset and fatigue.
  • If side effects are too uncomfortable, discontinue use for 1-3 days and resume at a lower dose when comfortable.

Known Symptoms of Overdosage and Treatment:

  • Discontinue use if sensitivity or allergy to any ingredients develops.
  • If symptoms persist, seek medical advice.


  • Not tested on animals.
  • Free from wheat, gluten, yeast, colouring, flavouring, and preservatives.
  • Vegan-friendly.
  • This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • This unregistered product has not been evaluated by SAHPRA for its quality, safety, or intended use.


Transparent vegetable capsules containing dark beige granular powder, presented in an amber glass bottle.


Bottle: Amber glass bottle with black lid and printed label.

Storage Instructions:

Store below 25°C in the original container until required for use.

Registration Number:

Not applicable (Unregistered).


Manufactured in South Africa

Distributed by:

Biomolecular Wellness (Pty) Ltd, Randburg, South Africa.

Contact Information:


Date of Publication of Electronic Package Insert:



Eienaam en Dosisvorm:
Volledige Metilering – 60 Groente Kapsules


Samestelling (Per Kapsule):

  • Benfotiamien (B1): 50mg
  • L-sitrullien: 100mg
  • Mangaan: 2mg
  • Metielkobalamien (B12): 100iu
  • Metieltetrahidrofolaat (Quatrefolic): 200iu
  • Molybdeen: 10ug
  • N-asetiel L-sisteïen: 50mg
  • Fosfolipied Komplekse: 160mg
  • Piridoksien (B6): 5mg
  • Riboflavien 5-fosfaat (B2): 5mg
  • Trimetielglisien: 125mg
  • Vitamien D3: 100iu
  • Sink: 2,5mg
  • B11 Minerale (Montmorilloniet-ekstrak): 5mg
  • Ander Bestanddele: Hidroksipropielmetielsellulose (Groente Kapsule)


Bekende ondersteuning vir NOS, CBS, SUOX, SHMT, ACE, BHMT-2, COMT, MTHFR1298, MTHFR677, MTR, MTRR, PEMT, en VDR gene, wat sellulêre detoksifikasie en afvalverwydering bevorder.

Farmakologiese Klassifikasie:

Komplementêre of alternatiewe medisyne.


  • Nie getoets vir geskiktheid vir swanger of lakterende vroue nie.
  • Gebruik met omsigtigheid en onder mediese toesig indien u voorskrifmedikasie, Warfarin, of antistollingsmiddels gebruik.
  • Hou buite bereik van kinders.
  • Moet nie neem as u sensitief is vir enige van die bestanddele nie.


  • Moenie die aanbevole dosis oorskry nie.
  • Raadpleeg jou gesondheidsorgspesialis as simptome voortduur.

Dosis en Gebruiksriglyne:

Volwassenes en kinders ouer as 12 jaar: Neem 1-4 kapsules per dag (begin 3-7 dae ná daaglikse LipoActive Glutathione en/of Pure NAC om “afwaartse” paaie te ondersteun) of soos voorgeskryf deur jou gesondheidspraktisyn.

Newe-effekte en Spesiale Voorsorgmaatreëls:

  • Moenie hierdie produk neem as jy allergies is vir enige van die bestanddele nie.
  • Newe-effekte kan tipiese detoksifikasie simptome insluit, soos maagongemak en moegheid.
  • As die newe-effekte te ongemaklik is, staak gebruik vir 1-3 dae en hervat by ‘n laer dosis wanneer gemaklik.

Bekende Simptome van Oordosis en Behandeling:

Staak gebruik as daar sensitiwiteit of allergie vir enige van die bestanddele ontwikkel. Indien simptome aanhou, raadpleeg mediese advies.


  • Nie op diere getoets nie.
  • Vry van koring, gluten, gis, kleurmiddels, geurmiddels en preserveermiddels.
  • Vegan-vriendelik.
  • Hierdie produk is nie bedoel om enige siekte te diagnoseer, behandel, genees of te voorkom nie.
  • Hierdie ongeregistreerde produk is nie deur SAHPRA geëvalueer vir sy gehalte, veiligheid of bedoelde gebruik nie.


Deursigtige groente kapsules wat donker beige korrelpoeier bevat, aangebied in ‘n amber glasbottel.


Bottel: Amber glasbottel met swart deksel en gedrukte etiket.
Boks: Kartonbuis met gedrukte etiket.


Bêre onder 25°C in die oorspronklike houer totdat dit benodig word.


Nie van toepassing (Ongeregistreer).


Vervaardig in Suid-Afrika.

Versprei deur:

Biomolecular Wellness (Pty) Ltd, Randburg, Suid-Afrika.

Kontak Inligting:


Datum van Publikasie van Elektroniese Pakketbyvoegsel:



3 reviews for Complete Methylation | 60 Vegetable Capsules – Revolutionary Formula

  1. Luisa. vd M

    Methylation is a problem for me genetically, according to my DNA report, but I didn’t even know how much until I started taking your product! It really does clear my brain fog. Nothing else helped. Thanks.

  2. B

    Excellent product.

  3. Candice Castle (verified owner)

    The best product you will find, to optimise methylation. Most people, don’t even realise how much they needed this product, until they try it for the first time. A must have, for so many conditions.

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