

Shipping within South Africa is handled by The Courier Guy and international shipping is handled by FedEx. Subject to the availability of the product and receipt of payment, requests will be processed within 1-3 working days and delivery confirmed by way of an email. This information will reflect your booking/waybill number, the courier service used and the expected delivery date. Please ensure that your email address is correct when creating your account as this is our all-important communication connection with you.

Transit Times

(Once leaving BioMolecular Wellness HQ)

  • Major transit centres: Between 1-3 working days.
  • Outlying areas: Between 2-5 working days.

Note: These delivery times are estimations. To find out more accurate delivery information on your parcel please email us at with your order number.

When Do You Deliver?

Our couriers generally deliver from Monday to Friday between 08h00-12h00 and 14h00-17h00.

Can You Deliver After Hours and On Weekends? ​

Unfortunately, not. (Unless specific arrangements have been made and agreed with us via email).

Can You Deliver on Public Holidays?

Unfortunately not.

Track and Trace: ​

Track your parcel using your waybill number provided via email once your transaction has been approved.

Delivery Fee: ​

We offer free delivery to your door on orders over R550,00 in South Africa. If your order is less than R550,00, your delivery fee is related to your location and ease of accessibility from our national hubs. You will be notified of this fee prior to your order confirmation.

International Delivery:

International delivery fees are subject to location. We will follow up with you via email on any international orders to confirm waybill numbers and provide any specific possible information pertaining to your order.